1. the weather
fall has come. these days, it's getting darker earlier in the evening.
the weather forecast says it's going to be sunny for a while, but the temperature will be change restlessly.
so, it is important to keep our body warm since it is easy to catch a cold.
i already got a cold and, 'm tired from sniffing and sneezing all days.
the pill works right after i take, but it doesn't last that long and just makes me sleepy.
i cannot stop frowning, but i try to smile.
it's because i always think that whenever i feel tired, its better to treat it as like i'm not tired so that i don't really feel tired.
it's like a situation seeing a cup of water filled half.
if i think it as 'that much' of water, i don't need to mind it and that's it.
but if i regard it as a lack of my 'property and life', then i lose my composure and feel like i really need to seek it more right away, then it's the beginning of the tragedy.
it's just like being 'cool' to every bad situation and making it not bother you anymore.
but some people seemed to be dragged by it and concern over very tiny little things we may ignore.(but it could be huge to them)
of course it depends on the point of view on which a person focus and we cannot force someone to have this attitude.
so that's why i don't usually talk this kind of figure of speech to others.
ah, i'm seeing my self out of the original point, 'weather'.
but anyways, i'm writing this based on, and because of, the book 'english blogging' and this is the first section of the book.
i hope to continue practicing composition in english for a long time, regularly, or further, as my habit.
anyhow, take good care of yourself 'for your health'. bye.
restless는 안절부절하다, 들뜨다라는 의미이지만 여기에서는 쉼없이 바뀐다는 의미로 사용하였다(사실의미가 약간 다르다)
catch/get a cold는 감기에 걸리다, sniffing and sneezing은 훌쩍이고 재채기한다. 알약은 pill/tablet....
단어풀이를 많이 적어볼까 하다가 한이없을것 같아서 그냥 놓아둔다. 계속 이런것을 작성하다보면 중요하다고 생각되는것을 생각해낼 수 있겠지. 아무튼 하루에 한편씩 영작을 할 생각인데 왠만한 번역은 초벌로 끝내지만 영작은 몇번이고 보아야 할 것 같다. 은근히 단순한 어법이 처음 마음가는 대로 쓸때에는 모르고 있다가 다시 보면 단/복수 형태가 맞지 않고(특히 병렬형에서) 어쩔때는 내가 이말을 뭐하러 꺼냈나 하는 문장 자체의 문제도 발견할 수 있기 떄문이다. 따라서 앞으로 글은 아침에 작성하고, 저녁에 다시 보는 방법을 사용해야겠다.