
2. TV

it's better write an experience of yesterday than some stories about TV since i don't usually watch a TV - no soup drama, no variety shows... 

i watched the basketball game yesterday which was aired on TV, and you know? i was on that haha!

anyways, i lost track of time when i see it because the baseball match was so entertaining. 

it seems like, and as the companion said, there are many similar occurrences between sports and life.

we need to do our best all the times, to gain the best result - winning from the match or life.

and while we watching the match, we reminded that we are currently on the game (of life) and also that we need to do all we can, just like the players on the field sweating for only one aim, 'winning' in a broad sense or taking possession of the ball(goal) in narrow sense.

looking at the keen competition, we also could energize ourselves far more than just watching through TV with loud cheers surrounding all around the stadium.

because we were so close to the bench, we even can hear what coach says to the players which sound as like a direct saying to me. "get your head on straight!"

there was an old lady seems like a big fan of one specific team hanging around the every match related with the team. 

i knew this because every athletes and people said hello to her, and she also catch every person near her and grumbled that it was so far from where she lives thus cost too much to come.

i could understand why she's so after the match. it is because of the shiver of excitement when supporting team beat the opponent, especially when it's final!


저녁에 글을 쓰고 다음날 아침에 글을 다시 확인하면서 문장을 다시 살펴보는 방법이 더 좋을 것 같다. 그날 보는것 보다 자고 일어나 보는 편이 더 새롭게 다가오기 때문이다. 이에 따라, 이 글에서의 yesterday는 실제로는 the day before yesterday가 된다. 아무튼 오랜만에 남에게 보여주는 일기라 그런지 어려운 단어를 쓰지 않아도 은근히 시간이 소모되는데, 익숙해지도록 해서 시간을 단축할 수 있도록 해야겠다.


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