
Scriabin - Polonaise, Op. 21


악보 다운로드(IMSLP) : Polonaise, Op.21 (Scriabin, Aleksandr)


1897년에 작곡된 이 곡은 널리 알려지지 않았을 뿐 아니라 연주자에게도 인기가 없는 슬픈 곡이다. 곳곳에서 scriabin의 향기를 잘 느낄 수 있는 곡이지만, (Fantasie in B minor, Op. 28에서와 같은) 강렬한 인상은 남기지 못하기 때문에 그런 것 같다. 물론 polonaise라는 곡 자체의 특성때문이겠지만 역시나 chopin의 영향력 또한 느껴지는 곡이다.


딱히 적어넣을 내용을 찾기 어려워 A Great Russian Tone- Poet SCRIABIN BY A. EAGLEFJELD HULL 을 인용해 본다. 구글링하면 원문을 받아볼 수 있으며, 참고로 저자는 Op. 21. Polonaise in B flat minor.에 대한 평으로 다음과 같이 평가하였다. "The only example of Scriabin in this form. Not The only example of Scriabin in this form. Not a very attractive piece."

The following five years—1893 to 1897—were occupied in concert, tours, holiday-travels, and composition. The last two seemed to have been always connected in his work, for he drew his inspiration from Nature more perhaps than any other musician since the time of Beethoven and Brahms. His highly sensitive and impressionable mind responded easily to the appeal of Nature, especially in her summer garb ; and his very first orchestral composition—a Reverie for Orchestra in E—is evidently a summer meditation in the country. He was very responsive to this mood, and twice reproduced it again later on in important composi-tions—in his First Symphony (2nd movement) and in his Second (3rd movement).

The young Russian does not incline much to sports and athletics, and has few hobbies, other than indoor amusements. With Scriabin, it was chess in the winter. For the rest, music seems to have been his sole hobby and the most engrossing thing in life. I do not think that he was ever a great reader, except of that greatest book of all—Nature her-self. He was passionately fond of the country, of flowers, and of travelling. His favourite costume in the summer was an English-looking lounge suit, a large flowing art tie, a broad-spreading panama hat, and—button shoes. The prevailing note of the costume was a refined ease. And the creations of these five easy years were ...


scriabin을 탁월하게 해석할 뿐 아니라 scriabin의 사위이기도 한 Vladimir Sofronitsky의 연주가 유튜브에 있길래 첨부한다. 전체적으로 polonaise에 대한 자료가 부족한데 이렇게 좋은 자료를 찾아 기쁘다. 물론 Cyprien Katsaris의 것도 있지만 음이 너무 튀고 박자가 울렁?거려 듣기 약간 부담스럽다.



Skryabin Polonaise Op.21


Sofronitsky plays Scriabin Polonaise Op. 21


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