
7th International Protege Conference Slides: Common Errors In OWL

사용자 삽입 이미지
원제 : OWL Pizzas: Practical Experience of Teaching OWL-DL: Common Errors And Common Patterns, Alan Rector, Nick Drummond, Matthew Horridge, Jeremy Rogers, Holger Knublauch, Robert Stevens, Hai Wang, Chris Wroe (University of Manchester, Stanford University)

초록 : Understanding the logical meaning of any description logic or similar formalism is difficult for most people, and OWL-DL is no exception. This paper presents the most common difficulties encountered by newcomers to the language, that have been observed during the course of more than a dozen workshops, tutorials and modules about OWL-DL and it's predecessor languages. It emphasizes understanding the exactly meaning of OWL expressions Ð proving that understanding by paraphrasing them in pedantic but explicit language. It addresses, specifically, the confusion which OWL's open world assumption presents to users accustomed to closed world systems such as databases, logic programming and frame languages. The experience has had a major influence in formulating the requirements for a new set of interfaces for OWL the first of which are now available as prototypes. A summary of the guidelines and paraphrases and examples of the new interface are provided. The example ontologies are available online.

다운로드 : http://protege.stanford.edu/conference/2004/slides/6.1_Horridge_CommonErrorsInOWL.pdf

Forgetting to make classes disjoint, The mistaken use of universal rather than existential restrictions, Open world reasoning, Confusion about domain and range에 대해 다루고 있다. 사실 (이 문서가 의도한 대로)처음에 접했을때 좀 헷갈렸던 부분이었는데, 이런 문서를 이제야 알았다는것이 참 안타깝다?

disjointing, domain/range같은 경우는 그림으로, universal/restriction, openworld의 경우는 Protege의 예시로 제시를 해주어 이해하기가 매우 쉬웠다. 간단, 명료. 이 문서는 꼭 한번쯤은 짚고 넘어갈만하다고 여겨진다.


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